Thursday, September 30, 2010


I know there are so many deserving mother’s who could and probably should be given the trip to New York and I know that’s what my mother will say when she reads this entry I’ve written for her, but I think she truly deserves to win.

My mom married my dad when she was 26 and he already had 4 children.  She handled the role of insta-mom with grace and shortly thereafter had 4 more children.  So for the past 35 years she’s been balancing 8 lives filled with soccer games, dance recitals, graduations, college applications, weddings and a rapidly increasing number of grandchildren, with her own life. She’s also managed to volunteer as a leader of a woman’s service organization for our church, complete a master degree, teach college courses to nurses in training, and survive breast cancer.
But, the thing about my mom that truly makes her super is that she is not just a mother for her 8 children but for so many others. She spends more time listening to other people’s problems and feelings than anyone I know. She has devoted herself to nurturing in her career as a nurse and in our home.

Although I am not yet a mother and cannot truly understand the depth and capabilities of a mother’s love and I’ve always felt unconditional love from my supermom and I’d be grateful to be half as super as she is as a mother.

1 comment:

Sara said...

Just voted!!! Love the written entry you did.