It's so crazy the last month totally flew by. I'm aboslutely loving living here. I wouldn't mind staying awhile, of course I'm saying this wihout having lived through the winter here. My jobs are totally great. Two or three days a week I go into Jon Moe's office for my fashion photography internship. THIS IS SO FUN!!! We recently did a shoot for cosmo and esquire and I was asked to be in a few pictures. Granted I was holing a computer up covering most of my face, lol, but it was still fun to behind all the lights. I also work for a fashion stlyist once sometime twice a week in the same building as Jon Moe. This job is like a dream. I basically play office manager while she runs errands or is out of shoots. She has a HUGE show room of things she rents to out stylists, designer gowns, shoes, accessories, purses, ect ect. It's killer.
Someday I know without a doubt that I am going to have a closet like this! untill then your pictures will have to suffice lol.
is rentata the stylist you worked for??
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