Saturday, April 10, 2010

bubby's times two

brunch equals one of my most favorite things in the city. J and I went to one of our new favorite brunch places two weekends in a row! the first time we planned to meet the youngberg's but mb and I didn't quite clarify. They showed up at the bubby's in brooklyn and we showed up in tribecca.

smooth, very smooth.

then we went again with the combs & the bells for a celebration of our brand new baby. it was good times and awesome weather.

we love our vespas. (minus the fact we are ryan's in this picture because we waiting for the DMV registration to come through on ours)

^ Y.U.M/B.O.M.B ^


mb said...

Yep. We are awesome.

We went to bubby's this weekend again too! funny. maybe someday we will go together!

Jane said...

Maybe you guys didn't meet up, but the pictures are great! More pics of NYC please! It helps those of us who still live in idaho not be so depressed! :)

Shauna said...

just found your blog.

Love Melissa and Davis. Tell them hello from me, will ya?