Thursday, September 30, 2010

baby love

this gives me so much joy!


I know there are so many deserving mother’s who could and probably should be given the trip to New York and I know that’s what my mother will say when she reads this entry I’ve written for her, but I think she truly deserves to win.

My mom married my dad when she was 26 and he already had 4 children.  She handled the role of insta-mom with grace and shortly thereafter had 4 more children.  So for the past 35 years she’s been balancing 8 lives filled with soccer games, dance recitals, graduations, college applications, weddings and a rapidly increasing number of grandchildren, with her own life. She’s also managed to volunteer as a leader of a woman’s service organization for our church, complete a master degree, teach college courses to nurses in training, and survive breast cancer.
But, the thing about my mom that truly makes her super is that she is not just a mother for her 8 children but for so many others. She spends more time listening to other people’s problems and feelings than anyone I know. She has devoted herself to nurturing in her career as a nurse and in our home.

Although I am not yet a mother and cannot truly understand the depth and capabilities of a mother’s love and I’ve always felt unconditional love from my supermom and I’d be grateful to be half as super as she is as a mother.

Monday, September 27, 2010

um hi...

Need Number One

Need Number Two

This place makes adorable wonders. Check it out!

Thursday, September 23, 2010


a few weeks ago we headed over the bridge to this little gem with the atkins.
we had a blast.

the verdict is out though and we still like la esquina more.
 the order of the pictures here is a little loca but you get the idea. since we were in brooklyn we though we'd stop by the creamery. 

we made some biker friends.

it was good time.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

my little jmj is becoming a jenny bear

I couldn't be more happy for her! & the orginal bear (are that is)too.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

just a thought

hey starburst...

why has no one at your company figured out how amazing a package of only pinks and reds would be? I mean come on... a promotional for valentine's day! um hello!!!!!!

Friday, September 3, 2010

teenage dream

there are no words.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

promises promises

J took me to see promises,promises on my birthday.(yes that was months ago, this post is late... get over it)
I love kristen chenoweth.

J was an angel and waited out back, in the rain, with me after the show. it seriously took a million years for her to come out.

it always makes me feel weird when the randomers come out of the stage door. ya know like the course dancers or the musicians. I feel like I should ask for their autograph or clap really loud because it must feel weird walking through a crowd of people who are saying "omg is that him... oh no that's just a stage hand"

anyways it was a lovely time.

thanks J