Body Image
These days there is nothing that can't be "faked". There's fake nails, fake eyelashes, fake hair extensions, you can even have muscle definition airbrushed on your body with fake tanner. It's no wonder that there is such a disaster when it comes to self esteem in women. We are simply not embracing our natural beauty and focusing our time and talents on inner beauty. We all forget that we are created in God's image and we have inherited divine qualities from our Heavenly Parents.
Recently I analyzed a case with my senior seminar class on the Dove's campaign for real beauty. The focus of the campaign is to inspire women to embrace they're own definition of beautiful. While I have my grievances with some aspects of campaign I like the idea of making some social change. I certainly think it evokes the right type of conversation. Dove promotes the reconstruction of self-esteem by using real women in their ads, producing thought provoking commercials, and continuing research. They also offer self-esteem seminars. For more on their mission statement visit the link below.
I firmly believe in taking care of your self. When you put effort into your appearance it shows that you honor your body and you are grateful for it. I think the trouble is recognizing when you've lost focus on bringing out your best self and letting image consume you. When you let the pressure of society become what looking good is about it detracts from the feeling good part and it completely destroys the concept of appreciating the natural gifts God has given you. Life is a balancing act and its always hard to know when is when, but we have been given lots of resources to help us. Most importantly we have the spirit to help guide us.[cp-documentid=7049726]/
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