Tuesday, August 10, 2010


awhile ago I read this post on natalie {photographer extraordinaire} norton's blog.

someone will always hate you.

I'm convinced that someone will always hate you,
and that it shouldn't really matter.
I'm convinced that for every 100-200 people who love you,
there is at least 1 who just won't.
Maybe they just don't understand you.
Maybe they just don't believe in, or are threatened by,
the things you represent.
Maybe they are simply misguided.
Maybe they are just mean.
or selfish.
or just loudmouthed and insensitive.
Whatever it is . . . it really doesn't matter.
Someone always will.
misunderstand you.
neglect to appreciate your efforts.
have an opinion about the way you choose to live.
feel threatened by the things you represent.
or just plain HATE you
for one inexplicable reason or another.
But again, it doesn't really matter.
it really doesn't.
the thing I'm baffled by is this. . .
WHY do we (myself included) focus all our time and energy on the
ONE person that is giving us grief?
Why not the HUNDRED who love, support, celebrate and sustain us?
I'm convinced that someone will always hate you,
and that it shouldn't really matter.
and in case you haven't heard it a while,
I want you to know. . .
I love you.
I think you're wonderful.
I appreciate your efforts.
I am cheering you on.
I am your number 1 fan.
I think you can, I think you can,
In fact, I know you will.
She regularly writes beautiful and inspiring notes on her blog and this one stuck out. after i read the post it got me thinking...

J and I dated for a long time. We had a wonderful romance and our time together was always fun and full of feeling, but I can remember a few distinct moments as I'm sure most who have loved can when I knew I really loved him.

l loved him for him rather than just loved being in love l

natalie's post reminded me of one day when i called J distraught over a situation with a friend at school. i was really hurt over something that had happened and totally in tears. without going into too much detail i was really upset about this persons actions. i felt they completely misunderstood me/my intentions and therefore did and said things that were hurtful. i didn't know what to do.  jordan said this (or something to this effect)

"sometimes people will misunderstand you, no matter how hard you try. Christ was a perfect person and clearly there were many who misunderstood him. sometimes it's ignorance, sometimes pride and sometimes probably just cruelty. but its not your fault. its just that not everyone will understand and love you for who you are"

for me that simple truth was a huge comfort. i'd never thought of it that way before. I mean of course we should always try to be our best and in doing so seek mutual understanding, but there is no reason to be discouraged. like natalie said, someone will always hate (or misunderstand) you and sometimes its not anything you did.

l is any of this making sense question mark l

 its just nice to know that even if i were a perfect person people would sometimes misunderstand my actions/intentions. so its ok when that happens.

i can only play my part of the song.

thanks J for teaching me that.


Melody b said...

I love this post. Thanks for writing it. I have never looked at it that way before.. but it is true, even if your perfect not everyone will like/agree/be nice to you. Hope you are doing well!

Ann Barlow said...

I love this post as well. You inspire me, Kaitlyn. I want to be like you when I grow up. I really do mean that. I love you, and hope that all is going well for you.

Derek & Brittany said...

Great post Kaitlyn. There is something about finding your love and having that stability and knowing that nothing or no one else matters. Looks like you're doing well, I love looking at your photos.

Derek & Brittany said...

Great post Kaitlyn. There is something about finding your love and having that stability and knowing that nothing or no one else matters. Looks like you're doing well, I love looking at your photos.

Jen said...

Thanks for posting this K. It is something I have never really thought about but it really hit home. Love you!